
By seizetheday

Robin Sunflower

Rain, rain, and more rain - all day! Yes, another 'yellow' weather warning for rain from the Met Office...

Drumming this morning, another challenging session. The 'newbies', me included, picked up our Valley Beats' T-shirts and sweat shirts, so we're now kitted out for future performances. Though I've not signed up for anything in the near future - need to practice a bit more first, methinks!

Jazz Club this evening. MrM was really looking forward to this evening's performance with Adrian Ingram, a brilliant guitarist, and his band, the Jazz Dawgs. We were rather disappointed that they were unable to appear as billed. But it meant that this evening was a little different, as Robin Sunflower (vocals and harmonica) and his band stepped in to entertain us. Peace, man...

(Impossible to get a decent shot of him without a large mic in front of his face while he was playing or singing.)

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