
By seizetheday

In the pond...

...The most beautiful yellow irises. Neither MrM nor I can remember them being there last year. Presumably they were, but goodness knows how we failed to notice them!

A shopping afternoon in Huddersfield. First stop B&Q for some gardening equipment - a replacement weed wand and a hedge trimmer, as tackling the privet with a pair of garden shears takes a very long time, as MrM discovered last year. Next, Dunelm, for a new salt and pepper set to replace those that all but disintegrated a while ago. We also bought a new pan and some kitchen scissors, but all that had to wait until we'd had a reviving coffee (and a cake for MrM).
Finally, a supermarket shop. Somehow, all sorts of things not on my list found their way into the trolley!

Glad to get home after that.

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