
By TonyG

Blue Pottery EB

A day where all the gaps got filled in.  An Emergency Blip, another of the pieces I collected yesterday.   I do like it but it's not what I set out to make!   A slab of clay rolled with a patterned roller, laid over a large bowl shaped former.   It had a couple of little creases where it curved over the former, which became tiny cracks, just a few mm long.  Experience has taught me that tiny cracks get bigger in firing so I cut the shape down, ending with a plate!   I really love the colour but the layered glazes have almost hidden the shallow texture, so it's definitely in the can be done better class.   And it probably will be!

A hurried start to the day as a workman arrived at Jamie's just as he went out and I had to pop over.  Then a meet up with someone in need of a bed.  Brother of a friend, a complicated situation.  I can help in the short term and I will.  Beyond that I hope to help find a better solution.  A quick lunch then a lovely, gentle walk with C and the Megs plus Bella who was carried some of the time.  Good to sit and soak up the views, the conversation enough to distract from finding a blip.  

Driving home a disaster and a stroke of good luck sort of collided.  Various warning lights came on necessitating a stop at the side of the road.  Having checked the water levels were still ok I called the garage and was able to limp the mile and a bit to get there.  A broken fan belt.  So lucky that it happened where and when it did.  Having driven to Birmingham and back the last two days, the timing and the place could have been much much worse.  They can't get a fan belt fitted until Tuesday but "no-one will be using the courtesy car over the weekend as we are closed, so you might as well take that."   Thanks very much!  A happy customer.

Lots of happy customers at the Steak Night at Kings Cafe tonight.  I was working for the event and the reward on these occasions is a meal ... delicious, even if it was a late sitting!   Work again tomorrow.

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