Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

After the rain

Yes, more rain today, but there was some sunshine too.

I was ready to go for a walk in the woods, when more rain came down. I went to see Jenny and Dennis in Wall. Den was very sleepy and wobbly today. He is finding it hard to understand when there are conversations going on around him.

Jen and I worked on her latest jigsaw. How I hate the ones where the pieces can go together, even if wrong. I do love jigsaws though.

The rain eased, so I walked from home later to the post box and back. Not much exercise! I posted the application to transfer ownership of Mum's premium bonds into my name. I had to send an official probate document with it.

Today I had a call to arrange the regular service on the hospital bed. Information does not get through, even though the bed was returned very promptly.

I've been concerned all week about my dear friends, Maureen and Brian. Brian is in Haltwhistle Memorial Hospital and Maureen at home. She is not well enough to be there alone with any degree of safety. Twice she has been sent to hospital and twice returned home after hours in A&E or the assessment unit. 

Finally today, and I won't go into details, she was admitted to a Nursing Home as an emergency. At least she will be safe there and there should be time for Maureen and the family to discuss long term plans. Joined up services do not exist. There was no transport to take her to the home and no taxis available. If she did not get there by 6pm the place would disappear in a puff of smoke. The lovely paramedic from her general practice took her in his car. Thank goodness someone had some common sense.

This allium grows in Suzanne's superb garden in our village. Everything looked wonderful after the rain.

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