
By Marik_i

The oak

There was the cleaning day that wore me out. There was the day when I had a telephone consultation with my neurologist about my headaches and my sleeplessness that wore me out. There was the afternoon with two nurses that gave me the two large injections and talked a while that wore me out. I have not been outdoors since the 2nd of November, but today I had to walk 100 meters to the hairdesser for the very desirable haircut. That wore me out, but I made it. And I am grateful that I no longer have bangs hanging in front of my eyes.
I am grateful to all those blippers who care to comment my words.
I would also be grateful if some live people would comment my blips or my personal text messages.
I am grateful for the one person who sends me pictures and lengthy messages early every morning. She is an old very old friend.
I am grateful for the even older very old friend who always gives me her opinion, reads the same crazy books I do and takes the time to discuss them with me.

Then there are those who do no believe that I am not well every day, that I am exhausted most of the time, that my head aches, that my feet ache, that I can't sleep at night. How come? at the age of ninety?

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