Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

Coordinated Garden Ladybird

A busy couple of days with no time for photography I'm afraid. Today it's just a blip from the garden, and not a very good one at that! 

There's been a leaky roof at Mum's which pushed her over the edge, so I've been sorting that out, getting quotes and organising for it to be fixed.  There have been tears and she's getting quite overwhelmed with things, but at least the talkative granddaughter has started her travels so Mum's got the house back to herself and has been enjoying watching the Chelsea Flower Show on TV.

The windows in our house have now all been replaced, including the two incorrectly installed ones and I'm quite happy, but there is still quite a bit of stuff that needs to be done - bits of decorating and updating etc which will take us a while as we both hate doing stuff like that!

The butterfly house tasks are piling up and its getting quite stressful trying to get everything finished in time for Monday. I've not been in for two days but just the admin, socials and printing that needs doing is very time consuming. I'll be so pleased when we actually open and we can  just start enjoying it again. 

So, apologies for not looking at your journals again and thank you to everyone who has left stars, hearts and comments this week. I can't promise I will catch up, but I will try. Life is just getting in the way and I don't have much time at present. 

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