
By Mrsmacdub

On the hunt …

… for some steampunk hats and a jacket for MrM. 

After breakfast we walked down to the Tees Street Café for the usual Friday morning coffee.  On the way we dropped off a print of one of MrM’s “paintings” and said we’d be back later to choose the frame.  There was a good group and we enjoyed chatting to various people.

After we’d finished coffee we set off to find the steampunk hats and a jacket for MrM.  None of the op shops had any suitable jackets but we did find two hats.  By this time we were feeling peckish, so called into the Badger and Mackerel and ordered coffee and a panini to share.

We walked back to the framing shop and decided on the mount and a frame then walked home.  I remember the second-hand clothing shop just around the corner, so we went there and managed to find a jacket that will serve the purpose.  Embellishments are required!

I still haven’t been on blip because time runs away from me so I am still way behind with comments.

My emergency blip is the frittata MrM cooked for supper.  It was delicious and we have leftovers … even better.

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