
By Mrsmacdub

Sunny but cold

It was cold this morning, with a light frost, causing us to stay in bed until 8am.  There was sunshine and blue sky, though, so I decided to wash some bed linen in the hope that it would dry on the line.  However, because of the angle of the sun at the moment and a large oak tree on the fence line, the washing still felt damp when I brought it in at 3pm so it ended up on the rack to dry properly.

I caught up with some long-neglected computer admin and attended my appointment with the osteopath at 1:45pm.  The pain had dissipated over the last couple of days and I am hoping that this session will make it dissipate even more.  The next few days will tell.

The little wax eye birds have been flitting around the three bird feeders, with a Tui or two and a Bellbird also making appearances.  It’s so lovely to watch.

I thought it was a full moon tonight, but I’ve just checked and it’s tomorrow night, but I’ve blipped the moon anyway.

I still haven’t been on blip because time runs away from me so I am still way behind with comments.

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