Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Wet wet wet!

It rained ALL DAY! No, I lie, there was a lull about 9am, and I popped out with Archie, then it started raining again and we got soaked. Archie has only just gone out again in the back green, but didn’t hang about. But he does like being wrapped up in his towel.

Pip also visited, and so we had a dog and a sofa each. It didn’t stop JR going to her gym sessions though (by car).

We started a Spanish murder mystery series on Netflix - it’s a true story - and may have to continue it, as it’s quite watchable. I figured out how to make the subtitles big enough to read without my glasses, which is nice.

I’m quite hooked on the Australian Border Force series - they find all sorts of strange (illegal) things hidden in people’s suitcases - raw chicken feet, a bottle of ‘bear bile’, birds’ nests, drugs, hundreds of fags, and worse.

I have personal knowledge of the Australian Border Force… We were flying to NZ one Christmas Eve eve, and so bought a couple of nice boxed champagnes at Edinburgh Airport Duty Free. We were assured there would be no problems entering NZ with the sealed Duty Free bag. But unexpectedly, we had a stopover and had to get off the plane in Sydney, go through security and get back on the plane.

And the Border Force CONFISCATED EVERYONE’S BOOZE! I have never forgiven them.

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