On Some Days

By V1k1

Free As A Bird . . . Beatles

This morning Jen and I went for a long walk beside the estuary.  There was no wind,high cloud and the tide was in.  The world looked pearly grey.  I took photos but when I got home they weren't on the SD card. I do format the card so I don't know what the problem is.  I have had this happen a couple of time recently.  We avoided the bikers and did our longest walk there.  The temperature is just right for walking.  
Afterwards we went for coffee and cake and an unexpected conversation about people we know who have died from cancer.  A bit emotional on my part but that is what women friends are good at supporting you through I feel.
After finding no photos appearing on the laptop I walked around the garden looking for signs of autumn and this fantail/Piwakawaka was with me.  It was very quick so not the sharpest shot but I like the yellow leaves mirrored with its chest.  The extra is a view of it's fan like tail and is sharper image.     

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