Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

There may be trouble ahead

Arrived back home from a quiet week in the Lakes.

I never realised how quiet until I got near home. There seem to be Police cars all over the place. Earlier Police helicopter, fire engines. Noise everywhere - it's hot so everybody is out having fun - drinking shouting riding motorbikes off road. Kids running about screaming wanting this and wanting that. Mad driving - speed bumps that people seem to go faster over. People who drive straight across junctions then across car parks all just to get their kids to the station. People arguing in the street about I don't know what. Jets overhead one after another.

It's hot, my bedroom window won't open properly !
the postie has been delivering mail for someone two streets away at my house again -tried to deliver it myself no answer - not even sure if anyone is living there anymore.

My neighbour say its all been kicking off at the building plot across the road the long awaited work on the foundations has been done - apparently it all started at 6:45am this morning.

This photo may be part of that story. The yellow lines meet but should the line on the left be the ones that meet. Amazed at the work that has been done it appears to take the new build to at least the very edge of the plot both sides - am I bothered ?

Not sure really - I wish it had never been given permission but once it had it prefer it just to be completed. Better a house than a building site opposite and all the noise involved.

Oh and it's been a bit hot

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