secret garden

By freespiral


Look who we found in Glengarriff!!  None other than Shaaamie who has been holidaying in Kenmare with the gorgeous wee Sidney and family and is now on a slow meander back to North Allerton. Great to have a catch up - we last saw them about 8 years ago we reckon.  Here we are both looking a bit spaced out, sitting in the drizzle having had to wait about 40 minutes for our coffees - a film crew is in town and only one coffee shop was open and doing a roaring trade. Guest photographer: Himself.
And there was a beautiful ship in the bay.Edit: It's Norwegian and a training ship, the Christian Radich apparently, than you Jeanne53.  Re-edit:it's not - it's Danish and called the Danmark 
And there's a new blog

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