The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline

Casper's Toys

The majority of toys in my house are cat toys. The only exception to this is if my sister and her family visit then they often bring big bags of toys to keep Aidan and Niamh occupied but for the most - it is just the cat's toys.

To give you a view on how spoiled our cat is, when Steve works in Boston he actually always bring toys home from a pet store near his office there!

This one is a little mouse that runs around and the cat is supposed to try to catch it/ stop it. It is sensor controlled so the mouse starts running as the cat approaches.

We tend to put cat nip on the top and Casper loves that!

Thanks for all the well wishes on my wee upset tummy last night. Unfortunately today has been so much worse - I am not sure whether it is a bug or actually related to side effects of some other medication I am taking - I was hoping not because this is pretty much the last option I think to help improve my psoriasis. I might even have to learn to like Yoghurt :(

I was supposed to be out seeing some friends for dinner tonight in town so I am a bit miffed but my Saturday, on one of the most beautiful days of the year yet has been spent either in the loo (too much info?) or then in bed as it's always nicer to sleep through illness.

Whatever the reason if it continues I really need to find some coping mechanisms and work arounds before Monday morning!

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