The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline

Ducks in a Puddle

As luck would have it the sun was shining and the air warm on the day the challenge is Puddles.

Not that I am complaining :)

I have had a hideous day! I woke around 4am with horrible stomach cramps and was very uncomfortable - think I have a bug. It made work really hard umm work as I was so tired and my stomach hasn't felt quite right all day.

Back to the challenge. I decided to walk along to the canal which is currently the biggest puddle near me. I was soon joined by one duck and then his whole family joined. These little ducklings were so adorable and cute and they swim pretty fast!

Sometimes patience has its rewards.

I think I need an early night though so can see me slipping into bed quite shortly. At least it is the weekend :)

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