Little Weeeed
Creeping thistle on the other side of our fence seemed to be attracting a goodly amount of flies. So did a quick blip.
Expanding at a rate of 6-12m per year this thistle can take over a field, with 20 -200 seeds for each flower so 680 seeds per stem - (I've just read on Wiki) Crickey no wonder we have a fair few!
Recovering from a slight late night last night in that we went to see 'My Fair Lady' at Kilworth House near Leicester which had an outdoor theatre. We all took a picnic beforehand and the weather couldn't have been more perfect. Two incidents come to mind well no three actually:
Couldn't actually get into the car park as a lady in a very smart merc had landed her chassis on a large rock - 'Keep off the grass,' comes to mind? Fun to watch a very fit bloke lift it off.... and she was so flustered she nearly did it AGAIN!
Car keys - my fault am putting my hand up here.. left on the toilet shelf - They would not let me in after 1minute into my seat as it had started so got a buggy ride round the back the same door.... ?
Petrol - a thimble full left but at least we found a petrol station in the end - but that's another story....... a long one....... not very amicable at this stage :)))
Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine - get that high factor on..or a hat :))
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