Corvid Fiesta

By CorvidFiesta

Which Way Now?

Our purpose for the trip away was to go up a Donald, a Donald Top and a deleted Donald Top on the Scottish side of the Border in the Cheviot Hills. The weather was bright but cloudy and progress was quick on grassy slopes and then 6 Km of flagstones placed on the boggy ground to minimise erosion. What must have been a hellish walk in wet peat bog is now much nicer and the land is gradually repairing itself. We also went up the Cheviot and the summit area is much improved from 34 years ago, but still just a huge whaleback of degraded peatland with limited views. However we did see a Dotterel near the top (see extra) so that was good. The blip is by Scotchman’s Cairn on the way up the Cheviot and shows the Flagstones and a helpful signpost.
Best on black.
Today’s entry on the Abstract Fiesta journal is A Cloudberry Flower.

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