
By Munroist4113


Apart from being a bit breathless I don’t feel too bad. Mr C continues to cough and feel weary.

I sorted out presents for Carol and Linda as I was away when it was their birthdays. As the sun appeared this afternoon I walking down to the village, leaving Linda’s present in her porch, then walked over the river footbridge and up to the surgery to leave my repeat prescription request. I went up the steep path to call on Chris but she was out with the dogs, then walked along to Carol’s to leave her present. I left it on the covered log pile as rain is forecast.

I took this photo going up the path through the field on my way home. Ros’s house is at the top of the path so I called on her. She’s still in great pain from both her hip and also the fluid on her knee. Today she had a ultrasound to check she didn’t have a DVT. Meanwhile Geoff is also not well and has a skin cancer removal pending.

I heard from Pat who is having chemo to shrink a breast cancer tumour before the op. She shaved off her hair and is wearing scarves. But even worse news is her lovely husband John has been diagnosed with oral cancer which has spread to his oesophagus. And Shona has gone off south to look after her two little granddaughters as their mum is having a double mastectomy as she has breast cancer and the kind of gene which causes cancer to spread.

The good news is I’m going to have FaceTime with Jo tonight. We have not caught up since she got back from Afghanistan. I’m looking forward to hearing about it.

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