
By Grammy

Rosby Rock

After breakfast, we decided to go to town to get my SIM card replaced. On the way, hubby wanted to see if we could find Rosby Rock. We have tried before unsuccessfully. My sister and I were car sick so the men let us out for fresh air while they explored a country lane. We had turned one lane too soon. One of the neighbors warned hubby and my BIL that the area was home to venomous copperhead snakes. We gladly took our photos from the car window. Here’s what Wikipedia says about the site. “The inscribed bolder marks the spot, where on Dec. 24, 1852, the rails of the B&O were joined forming a railroad link between Baltimore (the Atlantic Ocean) and the Ohio River.“ We have read stories about the blood, sweat and tears that was shed building the railroad system. We wanted to visualize where that final railroad tie was laid. They used a gold nail but only ceremoniously. The railroad has since been taken up. Not sure why we don’t employ more trains like they do in Europe. We stopped at the closest Verizon store near Wheeling. They are a third party store and could not help us. They directed us to a corporate store in St. Clairsville, Ohio. The entire visit took less than 10 minutes and $60 to get me back in business. Oh my, I didn’t think the mail and messages would ever stop downloading. My children had sent updates about their father and asked several questions so they could write his obituary. I was thrilled to get that phone working again and answered all questions. There was a grocery store next door; we popped in there for a minute. We found a pizza place in the shopping mall next door for lunch. Hubby and I tried a new combo: pepperoni and broccoli. It was delish. Then we went to the store that sells quality bird seed reasonably. On the way home, my sister wanted to get Mackenzie a few shirts for her 16th birthday. I found two pair of sandals. We got home and the men found a comfy bed where they could nap. My sister tried to read but she and Sugar are now also napping. I am not far behind. The temps are much warmer today; maybe that’s why we feel so tired. I hope your day was as successful as mine. Stay safe. Thanks for dropping by. “To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child. For what is the worth of human life, unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history?” – Cicero

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