
By Grammy

A Boy and a Dog

We were awakened this morning with news that the children’s Dad passed during the night. Jamie was shocked; he’d told the family that based on his father’s condition when he visited yesterday, he thought he could have at least another month. We know not the day nor the hour…. Kim and Kristen were devastated they had been unable to drive up yesterday. But their Dad did not have to suffer long after the cancer spread so far. Sugar hobbled on the sofa sleeper with Parker. I thinks she could sense his sadness. Later she stayed with Abi. Since they left, she’s followed me around. Pets can be so consoling. She somehow got her hind leg tangled in her leash when we arrived Friday evening. She has been limping badly ever since. We made breakfast, hubby and our BIL took Jamie, Renee and the children to see how the “state road” that runs in front of the farm has deteriorated, anything to take their mind off the situation. Parker took a much needed shower to get rid of the mud he collected during the ride and then they headed home. Waiting to hear they arrived safely. I offered to ride home with them but Jamie is almost 54. He and his sisters can handle this without me. We should be home if they decide to have a memorial service. His wife said there would not be one but the children can have their own Celebration of Life if they choose. I made a big bowl of chicken salad for lunch. The phone and text part of my iPhone has stopped working. I keep getting a SIM card error. Guess we will take it to the shop tomorrow. I truly hope you have had a less stressful weekend. Stay safe. Thanks for visiting. “No matter how prepared you think you are for the death of a loved one, it still comes as a shock, and it still hurts very deeply.” - Billy Graham

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