Bits and Bobs!

By Kate64

Avian Drama!

High drama in the garden today! It all started this morning when I heard the eerie scream of a Starling, normally the sound you hear when a Sparrowhawk has taken a bird. But no predator this time, a young Starling had managed to climb into and get stuck inside the fat ball feeder (see extra). It stayed quite calm while I lifted the feeder out of the tree but I couldn’t release it on my own so went in search of a helpful neighbour. Unfortunately no one was around so wire cutters were my only option. Thankfully, and miraculously, by the time I’d found the right tool the bird had managed to free itself. Phew! But blow me down, this afternoon a second Starling did exactly the same thing!! Once again it eventually managed to free itself. I’ve now removed the feeder from the tree, for the Starlings’ sake, and mine!

Woody has been busy emptying the peanut feeders all day long, and the Jay returned for a second visit, posing beautifully for a blip, except when I went to take the photo I discovered the memory card was in the laptop, and of course by the time I’d retrieved it the Jay had gone.

Late afternoon 40 odd Starlings descended on the lawn, and one solitary Sparrow with its young. Every time the adult Sparrow went to feed its offspring, the poor thing was trampled by Starlings in an attempt to get a free feed. I’ve used this long distance Sparrow shot as my main blip as I’m trying to forget the whole Starling drama/trauma!

In other news, spoke to Dad’s GP who agreed that the nurse practitioner who visited last week hadn’t prescribed the correct meds. All sorted now. Lovely sunny day of 21 degrees.

Thank you so much for all your recent kind stars and hearts.

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