
By KateH

Roof tiles

Lance and Paul are the most amazing do everything handy groundsmen who seem to do things for everyone in the area at a more reasonable rate than anyone else.  They did our fence and now they are back to fix the roof tiles and guttering on the barn.  Very alive to the countryside they pointed out where the fox’s set is in the adjacent field and then we saw a fox sleeking up the grass.  Definitely not a garden to have hens in.  

In the morning went to Mum’s to meet the person who is going to take out the dead Amalanchier.  He came back with me to see the dead looming hawthorn he is going to cut down and our ornamental willows, which are sick. Nothing much can be done but they will probably survive.  Last year they came into full leaf later in the summer.  As we stood in the garden he pointed out that the hole in the main willow is a woodpecker nest and we stood and listened to the chirruping.   Saw a pair of nuthatch on the weeping willow too.  See how much more I notice when other people are in the garden with me!  

Gardened until dinner and then watched the last two eps of Blue Lights.  Good but not as powerful as the first series.  

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