My Best Efforts - Year 3


Six Days from.........

............when I blipped my double poppy! The petals have now fallen and I am left with, what I think, is this lovely seedhead. It will gradually turn brown, it's topknot will pop off soon afterwards and then it will release hundreds of seeds on to the ground, hopefully to produce more beautiful double poppies next year. I usually let them do their own thing but sometimes I pick the whole lot, tie them into a bunch, put the bunch upside down into a brown paper bag and hang the bag in a dry, cool place. Come next Spring, the bag will have hundreds of ripe seeds to sow wherever you wish or to give away. The topknot on the top of the seedhead is called a Crown and indeed does resemble one! I was very tempted to draw a smiley face on it before I took the photo but rightly or wrongly decided to refrain!!

I must not forget to say a huge thank you to everyone for putting my "Peacock in the Park" into the Spotlight yesterday - the proud bird is now well nigh impossible to control and prouder than ever!! Thank you all again - very much!!

Anni is at present in Morgantown in West Virginia until tomorrow (Sunday) - had a very long drive yesterday, some of it in teeming rain! (with the roof still down - you get less wet than if you stop to put it up - even if it's pouring!!)

A glorious day here - really HOT - at 4.30 p.m. it is reading 78 deg F. !!

Well done Murray! - although I think the other semi-final was much more exciting. If the weather stays like this I don't envy the players tomorrow!! May the best man win!
I think the rest of us should look out for sunstroke - we don't say that very often, do we!!!

To see a "Big head" click on lower case "L"

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