Healthy Stuff
Day 4 of our Fitness Booster and time for a cracking breakfast: scrambled eggs with smoked salmon, spinach and (low fat) cheddar. Made a nice change from fruit and yogurt.
Then up to the allotment for a couple of hours pottering about. The haar hadn’t really lifted so it wasn’t exactly t-shirt weather but that was fine for planting, watering, edging and painting the bench. Oh and slug/snail collecting, mustn’t forget that, a poly bag worth of the beasties. First thing done when I got home was to order up some nematodes!
Happily the sun was out by the time I headed up to the golf course to play a tie; first time in years that I’ve entered the singles knockout and amazingly I won. Didn’t play too bad and my opponent got off to a shocker. Don’t think that’ll happen again.
And yet more good news - I’ve been on potential jury duty all week, phoning every evening since Sunday to see if I was called, but tonight I was dismissed from duty. So I think that’ll be my lot as I can opt out from September. Have been on three juries over the years, think that’s enough.
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