Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter


The start of the heatwave! So I had a bit of a need for a can of this brilliant Magicool Plus. Googling said "go to Malahide: McCabe's pharmacy is where you'll get it". They didn't have it ("Our branch in Blanchardstown ran out, tried to place an order and were told it was no longer available"). They palmed me off with a can of thermal spring water spray as a stop-gap (which isn't a patch on Maigicool), for which I thanked them and left in slight dudgeon.

My iPhone had told me where McCabe's was, and I actually went back there after a much-needed haircut. Can I say, if you're ever in Malahide, do go to Grafton Barbers. I had the best haircut since an experience in Thailand in 2003. Goodness, but I felt on top of the world when I left there.

A Malahide wander here and there and round and about brought me across the road from the Carnegie Library on the main street, which has a surprisingly adventurous extension which I've pointed a camera at before. I did that again today, and that's what the blip is. A coffee stop (surprisingly good coffee in Insomnia, by the way), another wander down to the marina, shutter clicking all the time, and then back home by 6:30 or so.

After that it was in to town for a birthday get-together for our friend Alan. We ate in Mexico To Rome in Temple Bar (okay), then went on to a night club (!). Carl and I left some of the others to their devices around 1:00 am and headed for the NiteLink. Somehow, Doyle's at college Green got in the way because we'd missed the 1:00 am bus, and then the chat was mighty and we missed the 2:00 am and the 3:00 am. Fortunately, we didn't miss the 4:00 am, because that's the last one.

A fab day, and an even fabber night.

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