Living my dream

By Mima

From the gate into Chez Mima

Of course when I saw this view for the first time a little over seven years ago, it was rather different. There was no tunnel house for one thing. And all of the trees were less mature. 

But fundamentally it was this view which reduced me to excited tears when I stood at the gate that first time. When I walked out of it again an hour later, I knew that I had found home.

It is amazing when that sort of thing happens. It was the same when I met my Pirate. By the end of that day - and for the first time in my life - I knew I was going to change all my plans in order to get to know him better.

I feel blessed to have been struck by two such bolts from the blue. Instant certainty of 'rightness' is a remarkable thing.

I was working in K's garden this morning and had a long chat with R. 

Despite his life being filled with grief at the moment, he too was counting his blessings for having met K 30-odd years ago, and being bowled over by her. He too knew within the day that he'd met his soulmate. He has a hard path ahead: I hope he finds some contentment without encountering too many potholes along the way. It's one of those days I wish I could do magic and ease some of his pain. 

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