Hill Top Ramblings

By janepetleyjones

Lettuce patch

It was warm again today; Barbara and I did some good garden maintenance. The new cold frame is doing very well and I have decided not to buy any more lettuce! I have also planted tomatoes and cucumbers in the corners, and hope they will do well with the extra protection and moisture.
We went to Angela’s beehive to help her check it. It has increased enormously since we last looked and the feeding has paid off. There are now full frames of capped brood cells throughout and so we added an extra box for them to expand into. Angela is going to get another hive ready to divide them up so maybe they will not swarm!
And today is Bonnie’s first birthday! It was lovely to receive a message from her breeder, and photos of all her brothers and sisters all looking equally good.
Happy Birthday Bonnie!

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