living in a glass house

By DandelionTree


looks like this in our house right now. Actually, the Mr. and I take turns with the storytelling. Chickpea has always had stories before bed and we're starting to get into the habit with Monkey as well as he is getting more interested in books. In fact he was happily munching through The Hungry Caterpillar on his own this afternoon. It was pretty adorable. We have also had a lot of music on today since I've been back from work. I always love when I put the music on and have a dance around with the kiddos and I forget how happy it makes my soul. It needs to happen much more often. Chickpea has started to learn more cool songs, too! Though if she reads this as a teenager she will probably say, ", those songs are totally not cool. How could you ever think they are cool? Gag me! (or however teenagers will talk then. Maybe they will just speak completely in acronyms, who knows?)" She will have to admit, though, that they are at least a tiny bit cooler than "Wheels on the Bus."

Songs Chickpea can sing along to:

-Lionheart -- Of Monsters and Men

-Little talks (impressively, Monkey knows where the "heys" go when you hum it!) -- OMAM

-Mountain Sound -- OMAM

--I Will Wait-- Mumford and Sons

--Somebody That I Used to Know-- Gotye

--Pretty much every Elmo + Celebrity song.

And we're still working on "Of Montreal." We'll get there!

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