living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

Invasion of the Sock Monsters!

I looked out the window this morning and saw this strange fiery mass in the sky. I didn't know what to think but I have some vague memories of seeing it before. My skin felt warm and there was no water plummeting onto it from above. Weird...

To take advantage of this situation we went picnic-ing and were invaded by these cute little critters. There were other critters, too. Cleo has suddenly developed a fear of tiny crawly things. It used to be fascination but that has all changed, I think it started with seeing an incy wincy spider in the garden that wasn't so incy wincy, it was a monster of a spider and the first one that made Cleo back away in terror. Now she sees the tiniest of crawlies and starts moving away saying, "Little bug! Little bug!" She must take after daddy because I quite like them.

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