I'm so free and So Wild
Both of us are feeling a lot better today, but we still took it easy.
We bimbled to the allotment, and picked the rhubarb which was there, have to do something with it, or it takes over.
Visited Morrison again, to see if we could get the fresh fruit and veg which has sold out yesterday. We were in Luck. Also bought a set of three bowls for the garden . one for my new water feature.... see above.
We came home and I cooked two batches of chick peas. One with too much olive oil and the other just right. I did not know you had to take skins off chickpeas before you roast them. That was a lesson in mindfulness.
Then I cooked the rhubarb with brown sugar.
Then I played with my fountain while a lightning storm flashed up out to sea
I meant to say yesterday, there is a £300,million yacht in the harbour just now - I say "yacht" small town would be more appropriate. I have never seen anything so shiny in my life. Apparently (so the Troon Tongyes tell me you can hire it for £1.200,000 per week. So I'll not be on it any time soon.
Anyhoo I digress. Some brave soul put a drone up last night and took photos of it (quite difficult because there is a no fly zone around the town, since we are on the approach path to the airport. It looked like a very expensive Blackpool illuminations. They have underwater lights in Green which highlight the boat on the water.
I'm dumbstruck.
Then it was back to the kitchen when the rhubard was done. Rhubarb and Custard cake next. It's in the oven, and I am currently eyeing up the Makers Mark for a nice little Old Fashion.
Happy Fin de Semana Folks.
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