Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Man up a Ladder

An unusual sight to see a man up a ladder as I drove into work today.

Grabbed the cameraran back to the wall to find the apiarist was in fact our Leisure Services Manager. It always fascinates me how little we know about the people we work with. We have an invasion of honey bees in an air brick at the side of the council building and he attached this trap and will come back in a week to collect them.

He was telling me that the bee population had been decimated by the bad weather last year. He needs worker bees to service a queen he has recently bought. He also told me that these workers only lived for 3 weeks. He needs to find a lot of bees!

Fortunately, I control the pest control service at the Council, so I have made sure if we get any reported, he will be the first to hear about it.

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