Book Club
Book Club this afternoon. We discussed The Mile of River that I blipped on 11 April although I forgot to Blip the delicious cake offering that accompanies our village book discussion. The book was appropriate for a rural community, a story of the tensions between proud farmers and their sons and their wives.
Instead, you get a blip of the pile of books I stack up after reading for an emergency blip on days like this. A record for me, of what I have read and having been read, most will now make their way to the charity shop.
The only book I will keep is Birnam Wood by Eleanor Catton. Did any of you watch Luminaries on the TV, a tale set in New Zealand in the 1800s with gold digging and opium dens. It was based on a book by the same name by Eleanor Catton. Her latest offering was exciting and I would not be surprised if it’s not televised also.
The Paris Bookseller is based on the true story of the original “Shakespeare and Company” bookshop in Paris that published James Joyce’s Ulysses after it was banned in the US. And interesting story
The rest are crime other than Mrs Palfrey that I see have blipped before
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