Still Rockin'

By RockArea

A Back Street in Cadanet

It's been hot today. Actually it's been very hot today! We went out for a drive in the Luberon and at lunch time found ourselves in Cadanet having driven through Lourmarin, which was heaving with people. I imagine it was market day and we've been there before anyway. After lunch we were going to walk up to the remains of the chateau but decided it was too hot and just walked around some of the backstreets enjoying the swifts that were screaming overhead.

Here's a colourful little house that called out to be photographed and there's some more lavender outside a house that's drawing a lot of attention as people screech to a halt on the main road to take pictures (not me obviously, I planned my approach carefully).

It's the weekend and I hope you're set to get some good weather. We must be at about the halfway point in our trip and after the weekend with Pip and Bruno we'll be back in the van and heading off somewhere again.


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