
By MrsK277

Bright soul and sun.

Woke up to a glorious, sunny day and went off to park run at Holkham. The man on the gate was a bit of a jobs worth and ordered us to park away in the field, even though we pay for an annual parking pass. He made me cross. They're normally so friendly. The boys ran off to the start, while I walked carrying the bag grumbling under my breath that I'd missed the start. I continued walking/jogging until I stopped at the bottom of the first down hill, telling the steward I wasn't continuing and I was just going to wait for the boys, as the first runners came past having finished the great barn loop.
I then gave myself a good talking to, thankful gor the warm early morning sun, with buzzards and kites swooping overhead as a couple of hares bounded across the field.  I jogged most of the way, trying to encourage  young William who really wasn't feeling it either this morning, crying most of the way. I gave him a high five and cheered him when he came in and got half a smile. I'll take that. FK and MrK both met me with encouragement having finished in under 30mins, FK getting a PB. Well done son.
Back home we had coffee and bacon butty before I pottered in the garden. I love this time of year. Everything has such promise in the garden and forget-me-nots are everywhere. 
Popped into mum's later before a swim at Wells.  Beach was busy even at 4.30pm, all wanting to make the most of a sunny Bank Holiday wknd.

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