
By MrsK277


Another storm as we went to bed, but I was so tired, I slept soundly. The rain just kept coming and the ground was covered in large puddles. I walked over to meet Mickey in town at the Black Sheep Coffe house. Yet another coffee shop in town, but one of the best coffees. It seems like coffee shops and nail bars are filling the high streets. I've not seen mickey gor a while, so it was lovely to catch up on what they've been up to since Sue's retirement earlier in the year. They're off on a road trip around France for the next three and a half months. How lovely.
Had an hour long phone call with J. She wasn't having a great day so it was good to talk...and laugh.
Packed a few bits for a wknd in Norfolk. MrK has the whole wknd off and the weather looks good.
Picked FK up from school and a very long journey in the rain took us over 3hrs.
We went to the Aviator opposite for tea and were joined a bit later by Andy from the Hideaway...he's 2 doors down from us with a swimming pool! Good to catch up and FK was very chatty. I've booked us a little break for a few nights after his exams to Woodhall Spa. Lots of military history around the area and an outdoor heated pool!

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