
By TheOttawacker

Mrs Ottawacker flies off to Winnipeg

 We were all up bright and early, as we had to drive Mrs Ottawacker to the airport so she could catch a plane to Montreal and, once there, catch another to Winnipeg. Anyone with a notion of Canadian geography might think that that is rather a strange route to be taking – and, indeed, it wasn’t the route she was originally taking – but Air Canada made another of its infamous flight changes, last minute, and made Mrs Ottawacker arrive a good 4 hours later than originally planned. Just when you think Air Canada can’t really get any worse…
I managed to work for a lot of the day, running errands in the spare moments, and generally kept up the momentum engendered by yesterday’s early start. Ottawacker Jr is probably almost completely mended now, Mrs Ottawacker seemed reasonably fine this morning, and I am still stuck at around 70 percent.
But the weather is beautiful and that cancels out a multitude of sins. Managed to call my stepmother (one element of the long list ticked off) and will now wander down the stairs to see how Ottawacker Jr is doing with his project homework and cook dinner. The house is appallingly empty without Mrs Ottawacker, but don’t tell her I said that.

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