
By WhiskyFoxtrot

I made it out!

After getting the nod from my surgeon to start walking more and to wear my own shoes, I was keen to get outside in the sunshine. Small problem - my foot is still swollen so none of my shoes or sandals fit. Tim to the rescue! He kindly offered me an old pair of Birkenstocks and put in an extra notch so I could get my foot in. Hurrah!

I’m walking much more easily and made it to the DLR, then the tube, and then the walk to the White Cube gallery with no problem. I enjoyed the Georg Baselitz exhibition very much and then it was time for a rest. We found a cafe to have a bit of lunch and watch people stroll by. I was slower on the way back home but still didn’t need the crutches. 

I was surprised in the evening to discover I had walked a bit more than four miles. Just a few days ago that was unthinkable, and six weeks ago it would have been unremarkable. It’s funny how perspective can change one’s views. 

Mostly I just feel grateful and relieved. 

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