Today’s main event was a trip back to hospital to see the foot surgeon. The swelling was down and it turns out I didn’t have an infection after all. The surgeon seemed very pleased with the progress and with no warning whipped the metal rod out of my foot. It didn’t hurt but it was a bit of a shock! What was more of a shock was its length. I could see about an inch from the top of my toe, but it was at least five inches in total.
I’m supposed to have some physiotherapy and return to see the surgeon four weeks time, when the final dressing will come off.
What a relief!! I can walk more normally and much longer distances. I’m still slow but faster than before. We went to the park for lunch and then went food shopping. I must have walked the equivalent of a week (maybe two!) during convalescence. I was encouraged to wear my own shoes and I’m looking forward to the swelling going down sufficiently.
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