A time for everything

By turnx3

Fond du Lac lakefront

Thursday May 2
Before we left Fond du Lac to continue our journey up to Wausau, we made a slight detour down to the lake front, which was most attractive, with its small lighthouse, and all the beautiful blossom. Back home, most of our blossom is finished, but being that much further north, here it is at peak, and we could see even more difference as we drove the remaining two hours to Wausau. I should have thought of coming down to the lakefront yesterday evening as we arrived, as it was a beautiful sunny evening then, whereas today was much cooler, with a cold wind. Fond du Lac, as many may know, means bottom of the lake, that is the southern end of Lake Winnebago, a shallow freshwater lake, and the largest freshwater lake entirely within Wisconsin, approximately 30 miles long, by 10 miles wide.
The rest of the day was spent working in Laura’s apartment - Roger was taking the bed apart, dismantling the table, taking curtain rods down, while I was packing up kitchen stuff, and cleaning - Laura not being over keen on housework, much preferring being in the great outdoors!! Laura joined us about 5 pm, after work, and we continued for another 90 minutes or so before going out to eat.
Step count: 7,737

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