Northward bound
This was a hastily arranged trip up to Wisconsin to help our daughter Laura move out of her apartment. It’s a long story, but in a nutshell, Laura, as well as others in the office, do not get on well with the new director who started about last November, or a new person that she appointed early this year, and finally decided she couldn’t stand it any longer, and handed her notice in. She doesn’t have another job yet, but does have a steady boyfriend who lives in Fond du Lac Wisconsin, about two hours drive further south, and also close to Oshkosh and an hours drive to Milwaukee, both possible employment centers. So they decided she would move into his house. To complicate matters, she is leaving on a big trip (to Peru) next Friday, which has been fixed for months. She didn’t actually ask us directly if we could go up and help her move, but it was clear that was what she was hoping for! So today, we drove up through Indiana and a bit of Illinois to Fond du Lac, where we met up with Laura, who had driven down that evening with a car full of stuff. So we got to meet Liam - we’d heard a lot about him, but not actually met him, then we all went out for dinner, then played a board game back at the house - they’re both great board game fans - before taking ourselves off to a hotel for the night. Tomorrow morning, we will complete the journey up to Wausau.
My blip is just a shot from the car in northern Indiana, trying to capture, somewhat unsuccessfully, the mass of wind turbines they have up there. Currently , Indiana is the 12th largest state in wind power production. Its flat land and winds coming from Lake Michigan lends itself to this industry. The turbines shown in my picture, to the east of I-65 which we were traveling on, is Meadow Lake wind farm. To the west of the interstate is Fowler Ridge Wind Farm, completed in 2017, which is the Midwest’s largest wind farm, and one of the largest on shore wind farms in the world!
Step count: 3,351
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