Obfuscated Design

By obfuscatedesign

A bench. :)

There was a lack of ideas for todays blip. But i sat on this bench for a good 10min today so I thought it would take it's picture.

Good news today! I always assumed I would get an A in ICT as it is a strong hobby of mine. When i started the course I realised just how little credit was given to your actual ICT knowledge and how much of the course is based on utter bullcrap.

I spent hours making up fictitious emails between my two fictitious companies about the fictitious products that my fictitious company will be developing for them. So for the last year I assumed than my planned A grade could easily be something far less.

Added to that, people had been handing in work, being given an A for it. Then when it was sent off to be moderated.. it was all marked down to Cs and Ds.

Despite all that, all my coursework is now at A grade.. and if I get 93% in next weeks exam then I will have secured an overall A.


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