Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Colombian Samba

Another hot day today and little achieved apart from going even pinker. We Scots are not meant to have too much sun we were born to be peelie wallie!
I forgot to mention that I have rediscovered my college skills of throwing darts and won the competition yesterday including 2 bulls and 2 outers over the course of the game. We were only playing killer where you have to beat the score of the person ahead of you. I refuse to accept it was pure luck not skill as alleged by the current Mr Sally! Anyway I came third today while he was out much more quickly on both days, so there!... Actually I think he's right but don't tell him!
I swam again today, the water is definitely warming up albeit slowly.
The evening entertainment today was a group of Colombian Samba dancers, so energetic! Great to watch, their sense of rhythm and timing was amazing. My extra shows a rather terrifying catch of one of the dancers.

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