madwill's world

By madwill

A Double Walk

I went out for a walk this afternoon… from home along a lane and back to the village, calling in to the shop for an ice cream and to the polling station to vote…then got home after 3.5 miles and …. no front door key!!

Fortunately Mrs madwill was home.

Emptied all my pockets and my camera bag…no sign of it…must have had it on the way out as the door was locked.

So I walked the reverse route calling at the polling station and the shop and then all the way back up the lane and home again…a total of 7 miles for the day and no sign of my key :-(

Luckily on my second outing I found this beautiful butterfly sunning itself on the footpath. Fitbit has recorded 20k steps now…

Guess where I will be walking tomorrow…..

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