madwill's world

By madwill

Cowslips With Daisy Photobomber

A nice warm day, not so sunny as yesterday but no wind, so it felt really pleasant while I was out on my walk.

I stopped to photograph these cowslips….but failed to notice the sleepy daisy photobomber until I processed the shot in Lightroom!

I had a rather unusual encounter while I was out …I met a couple of men walking the opposite way and we just stopped for an idle chat (as you do) and I was thinking about one of them ‘I am sure I know you from somewhere…’ but couldn’t put my finger on where from.

He then said to me ‘Did you used to work for ……. ?’ And then it hit me where I knew him from….we had worked in the same department whilst at the same company. He left in 2008 and I left in 2010..and it was a good few years before that when we worked together (probably mid 1990s)…

Added another extra today of some Common Hogweed..showing the stem unfurling..

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