
By JennyOwen

One I made earlier...

A busy day. Greek prep for the evening's online lesson. A quick walk up and down a few local streets, delivering last-minute Labour Party leaflets (letters to the faithful, encouraging them to get out and vote tomorrow).  A trip to meet Eben from school. However, he and I didn't make it to the usual Weds swimming lesson; he just wasn't feeling up to it.  He emerged from school looking very subdued - almost unheard of, for him -  and I wondered if something had happened to upset him. The answer from Eben was no, but you can never be sure; I knew he wouldn't find it easy to volunteer information about anything painful or difficult.
Fortunately Ruth was at home when we arrived there, and was able to explain that he'd found it very difficult to drop off to sleep last night. So he'd probably had a rather weary day.
Eben retreated to the sofa and the TV, and Ruth and I left him to have a rest. Meanwhile we talked it all over in the kitchen. We'll keep an eye on things, and see how the next few days go.
So today's blip was 'made' today, but from raw materials that date back a few days.  I haven't been back to Woolley Woods this week, it's been too busy. But playing about with some soft-focus images is making me keen to get back there over the weekend if I can, before the bluebells really go past their best.

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