
By pensionspoet

Walk in the evening sun

With my girl. It was absolutely lovely at the end of a busy day which had been a bit fraught with far more work than I could get my head around. So we walked and talked for more than an hour. The weather was beautiful and even at 8pm not too cool. This photo was taken up by the lighthouse, with the sea behind. Apologies for the state of my hair - I’ll wash it tomorrow:-)

Had a brief catch up with Dan on his doorstep. I’d bought them all a small present from our weekend away, so nice to see him before I go away again.

When I got home Jon and Henry had made dinner. Then Henry announced that he’d received an email from the exam board and he PASSED his exams and so is now a fully qualified electrician. He was so casual about it - but 4 years of hard work as an apprentice has paid off. It’s a big achievement and we are so proud of him!

Tomorrow is sort of back to normal, with shopping then singing. In the afternoon however, I have a case to pack, as I’m heading to Cambridge on Friday, and on Saturday I am going to Lisbon with best friends Karen and Joanne. It will be the first time I’ve flown in 30 years, so I’m apprehensive. My holidays have always been with a car or caravan, so I don’t travel light!! Hence an afternoon with my case. The girls laugh at me, but it’s been on the floor mostly packed for about 3 weeks!

A bit of tv before bed- Race Around the World

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