
By Veronica

And so it continues

For no particular reason except that I'm listening to it while blipping, today's soundtrack is Chantal Chamberland singing Don't Explain.

Another night and day of rain and wind! I took S to the airport this afternoon for his regular visit to his mum, and stopped on the way back to take photos close to home. I doubt they're expecting a crop from this olive tree given the way they've pruned it. This is the correct way. The vines on the other hand are very well maintained.

Gym with les filles this evening. Lots of chat and laughter amid the stretching, but this exercise business seems to be taking over ... I've got another yoga class tomorrow!

Also unrelated, here is a really excellent article about St George and plastic English patriotism that I came across today. It includes a quote from JB Priestley's English Journey:

Let us be too proud…to refuse shelter to exiled foreigners, too proud to do dirty little tricks because other people can stoop to them, too proud to lose an inch of our freedom, too proud, even if it beggars us, to tolerate social injustice here, too proud to suffer anywhere in this country an ugly mean way of living.

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