
By Incredibish

May Day Ride

A busy Beltaine Day, although I have - as is traditional - avoided the Sunrise, the Morris, the Maypole dancers and the morning dew (which would probably not improve my cosmetic aesthetic). 

I spent much of the day power washing the block-paved drive, pausing only to let a local contractor extract the best part of a roof garden from our guttering; which I could not reach with my ladders, and in any case Janet insists I no longer bounce and probably splat.

In the afternoon, I dared a thirty kilometre ride on Ruby and got home just before the promised wet weather arrived (yay! and the gutters are clear!). en route I dropped in on Morrigan, who remains in intensive care while the mechanic seeks out spare parts...  

He showed me my rear wheel spindle, which was visibly not as straight as one might hope. Remarkable given it is almost an inch in diameter! I've no idea when or how the spindle was bent - was it the last tyre change, or perhaps a pothole? Anyhow, it looks like two weeks and a small mortgage!

Still, can only ride one bike at a time. Here's Ruby set against a small burst of May flower. Beltaine Blessings to all who celebrate. Here's the safe version. And for all you workers out there on IWD... join a flippin' union!

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