
By Incredibish

A Tiny Morning Ritual

My name's bish and I an a coffee addict. I once gave it up for a whole year... went through the withdrawal and headaches and grumpiness... then bought an espresso machine! Explains so much, doesn't it.

So I thought, rather than go out into the garden - where there's a strong southerly blowing and all the insects are hiding and the flowers are in rapid motion - I'd look for something a little different for Tiny Tuesday. 

A droplet of red Nicaraguan coffee! Freshly ground from the bean, and glowing slightly in the diffused flash. There's a barely subdued giggle and even a twitch, as I look forward to that first sip... aaaah...

With thanks to JDO for managing April, with a gulp of coffee and a gulp of terrified anticipation I find I'm 'judging' Tiny Tuesday for May. 

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