
By flavia13


Hubby had a better night last night and hasn't been too bad today.  Still not there yet but we think (fingers crossed) that he is beginning to turn a corner)!!!

Making sure he was OK I decided to treat Garron and I to lunch at Harry's Bar today and have a little look around Yew Tree Barn whilst there.  The antiques, to me, are rather over-priced and as a watcher of Bargain Hunt I am of course an expert NOT!!!!  Still it's nice to see even if most of it I would never dream of buying in a million years.

Then took Garron to the Post Office for him to send off a parcel whilst I did a tiny bit of needed shopping in the Co-op.  Then home to ensure Hubby OK.  He was/is, fingers crossed.  If he has no improvement by Thursday morning I will insist he contacts the Doctor again - but let's hope that isn't necessary!!!!  I didn't want to stay out long, we were only gone 2 hours but it was good to be outside for a little while anyway.  It's much milder today even if there are some dark clouds, still no rain - yeah!!!

That's all for now, do take care and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.

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