michigan man

By outdoorguy

Oh My!

Up at 7 a.m. and hit the road at 9:20. I think this is the biggest load ever, to the point where we are concerned every time we have to open a door. When stopping, we try to park a ways out, so we don't have to showcase this debacle to our fellow road warriors.

We were going well until we reached Atlanta at 7 p.m. We slowed to a crawl, then all of a sudden, our I-75 was completely closed, with no instructions on how or what to do. We wandered aimlessly until Lisa took out her phone to reroute us, We did eventually get back to "our" expressway, but it was still backed up. All in all, it cost us about an hour.

We ended up driving 651 miles, and are spending the night in Cleveland, Tennessee. Tired, dog tired, and my knee hurts a little. Night night.

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